Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Formula X

So I saw this video of one of my nail gurus on YouTube one day and I watched her introduction of Sephora's new nail polish called "Formula X" along with a nail tutorial and I "fell in love" and I wanted to get it so bad.

And I got their mini set called "Twenty Two" which has 22 mini bottles of their polishes for Christmas 2013 from my lovely cousins ^.^ 

I noticed there hasn't been that much reviews for it so I decided to make a short one for you guys! 

In the photo above ^^ I used "Unmistakable" which is the mint one and "Thrilling" which is the tan one. What I can say about this nail polish is that it's really nice. It's not super thick but at the same time it isn't thin either. You don't need like 4 coats just for it to be opaque like other nail polish brands. 2 is enough but if you're like me and you really want it to settle and make sure it doesn't chip off then I would put 3 coats. But the nail polishes do vary. The neon ones in the set are very sheer and you need more than two coats. The colors are just like any regular nail polish while the metallics only need one coat. Another thing I like about it is that it is very smooth and the brush is the perfect size. The bottle is also unique where if you remove the "cover" it reveals a smaller handle which makes it easier to grip due to it's design. 

In the photo it may look like a regular size but it is a mini. Most of the regular sized ones have a white caps instead of black. 

So that's it! Don't forget to head to your nearest Sephora and get yourselves some Formula X nail polish. Oh and before you decide to get a color, make sure to get "The System" which consists of a cleanser, base coat and top coat. I don't have that one since I already have my base and top coats but it comes in handy, especially when using a Formula X nail polish. 

Food Review: Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms

Welcome back to the Blogging 5itches, it is me Erin aka The First. Today I bring you one of my first recipe reviews from Pinterest. We first tasted these mushrooms during a dinner held by my sister Erna's friend Jenna in memory of my nephew Ethan Niall who passed away one February 8th, 2014 from a rare disease called HLH or Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. He was only 3 weeks old when he passed away and not a day goes by that our family doesn't miss him.

Our family couldn't get enough of these mushrooms so we all went on Pinterest to look for the recipe and we were lucky enough to find one (actually it was The Queen B who actually found it) Now I am serving it for our dinner. It looks the same as the ones we had at the party and here's to hoping it tastes the same.

This recipe was found on: 

Before going into the oven

After coming out the oven

Bon Appétit

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Realist Bitch

What's up to all you peeps in the world? 

I'm sure after reading the first four posts, you'd probably know what this is going to be about? 

So let's be formal and start with a nice, lovely introduction. Hi! My name is Ronnee Fae, my friends call me Ronnee and my family calls me Fae but either way I don't really mind. 

Anyways, moving on. I don't really like a lot of things. I mean I guess you could call me plain or something like that. The reason is because I like simple things. I may be a girl but I don't really like girly things. I'm not that creative like the Queen B nor do I have a lot of ideas like The Nicest Bitch, but I have my own "characteristics" you could say. I like to dance, play video games, sit around and do nothing. 90% of the time, if I'm not doing anything I am on my phone. Literally. I do most of my things on my phone, especially since it's a lot easier than taking out my laptop. I don't like reading though. If I was really bored and my only options are to read or sleep, I'd gladly go to sleep UNLESS I have a book that I really like and that's probably the only time I would read. I'm still in school and one of my bad habits is procrastinating. For some reason I just don't do things in advance. Sometimes if my homework was given a week in advance, I probably won't do it till two days before the due date BUT I always finish it anyway ^.^. I'm very hyper active so if there's a lot of space in my house, I'll start moving non-stop. I just can't sit still. I don't understand how a person can do that! 

Looking back to when I said "I don't like girly things" it's true, I don't. Weirdly enough though, I LOVE to shop and paint nails. I love looking at shoes and trying them on. When I see outfits on mannequins, I have this feeling inside me that screams "I have to get that outfit" but most of the time I can't anyway. I like wearing makeup (unless I'm too lazy to OR I wake up too late -- which is most of the time). I don't like exercising but I guess I should start doing it more but I do LOVE to eat ^3^ 

So enough about that, you're probably wondering why I'm called the Realist Bitch right? Well to put it simply, it goes well with my personality and attitude. Main point: I don't care about what people will think or say about me. I wasn't born here to please everybody and I mean seriously, you can't make every single person in this earth like you. I live my life the way I want to live it. And if you don't like the way I act, dress, speak, etc. sucks for you, cause I really don't care. I don't care if you judge me, that's your choice. Sure I don't like criticism but I mean what can I do? This world ain't perfect and it can't exist without criticism and judgement. I see the world, you could say equally. I'm not optimistic and I'm definitely not pessimistic. I'm more realistic hence why I was named The Realist Bitch. 

So that's it for me! Stay tuned for more posts from the Blogging 5itches! 

K bye~ 

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Queen B

Bonjour tout le monde! Je suis Raezl Joi it's pronounced like Hazel with an R. I'm The Queen B of this blog and the story behind my name is because I'm such a huge fan of Beyonce´ and since she's called The Queen B I chose to use it as my title for this blog. Despite my name I consider myself not the biggest bitch of the 5(hehe~), and If I would rank myself I'd probably be second to the last.

I enjoy going to craft stores and spending my time in bookstores than going to the mall. I get excited about kitchen appliances than clothes, but I do love makeup, shoes and bags. I am that type of person who has tons of ideas and need to be done right away before I forget. I can do lots of things, it usually involves arts&craft, cooking, baking, photography, etc. I'am that girl that does all her projects at night because I somehow get all my ideas around that time. Another piece of me is that I am a huge fan of british everything, so I'll probably be talking a lot of my british t.v shows and movies.(yay! for being british at heart)

I'm very excited for this blog and all the things we planned to do and share with everyone. We will definitely try our hardest to make time to blog and keep up with our schedule. This would be a really good place to document our adventures, so later in life we can look back and see how much we've changed and improved. So stay tuned for more post from these Bitches. :)

Thank you and I hope you enjoy and keep up with our journey!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Nicest Bitch of all

Hello interwebs! I'm Erna Rae, the younger sister of Erin (the First). I think my title totally suits me because while I have been known to have some rough around my edges (it's probably all bark not bite) I am still the nicest of the 5 ^_^
I would consider myself to be one of those people who has all these creative ideas, but doesn't have time or a way to implement them. This is going to be a fun journey into our lives; reviewing, cooking & baking, reading, making, etc and meeting new people on here.
Something important to me that I like to share with the world is my life was drastically changed when I gave birth to my son, Ethan Niall this past January 17th and not too soon after he was quickly taken from me and my boyfriend on February 8th from a very rare disease. I hope to show through this how important life is, to have fun and keep smiling because not every day is promised.
Thank you for coming, reading and maybe one day we'll end up new blog buddies ^_-

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The 5itch Since Birth

Hi there everybody! 

Thank you for taking some time out of your hectic day to check out what we have in store for you out there. We are in the middle of a lot of changes right now and though we still look a bit scarce, once we get this ball rolling, we are very much unstoppable.

My name is Rana, which in most common scientific terms would refer to "frog" (Spanish), it mostly means "elegant" and "of stature" (Arabic). I embrace my name as much as I embrace the idea that I am the bitch since birth in this blog world. The reason behind this is because out of all of us here, I am the only one who is an only child. Also, sometimes, it's just the unfortunate "chronic bitch face syndrome" since I was born that made it that way, so I embraced it and took advantage (teehee~).

I am a huge music fanatic and very much into Pandas. Yes, I am the type who is willing to lose out on work hours and sleep to squeeze in a concert or two, dancing the night away. I am also a self-taught cook and I am proud to say that I can pretty much multi-task when I am passionate about something. 

It will be great to meet each and every one of you in this little journey we have set up for ourselves. Diving into new things everyday is our goal, to get out of comfort zones, and discover more about ourselves and each other, to share with the world. 

Most of the ideas we have were shared to you by our First Bitch, Erin, but keep your eyes peeled for a whole lot more than what we gave you a glimpse of. Add us on our social media and we promise that you will not be disappointed by the power of the 5 blogging bitches :)

P.S. We are happy to have started this and we invite each and everyone to enjoy this as much as we do!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The First

Not only is this the first blog post of this blog, but it is written by me...The First (Bitch)

Welcome to what the five of us cousins like to call our little place in the internet where we can talk about anything, from our daily lives, doing arts and crafts, trying out new recipes, and everything in between.
Let me introduce myself: My name is Erin, I am The First...bitch that is. My name is in reference to the Buffy the Vampire Series where "The First" was the first vampire and since I am the oldest out of the 5 of us I have been given the title of being "The First Bitch". For me I really like to try new recipes, try any kind of arts and crafts, I love to watch movies and also love following up on social media. I am also a big blog lover. I have had a couple of blogs over the years that I have either closed or forgotten about. I am very simple when it comes to things I like. As long as I have my family and friends then I am pretty happy.

This is going to be a fun adventure for the 5 of us to take together since we are always thinking of fun things to do as a group. We all bring different flavors to our group and this blog will be just that. We have lots of different topics we want to share with others out there and we hope we can draw a wide range of people from all around the world.

Some topics we will cover are:
  • Monday Movie Nights: Where we will each review a movie whether its together as a group or individually.
  • Various hashtag days such as #mancrushmondays, #transformationtuesdays, #womancrushwednesday, #throwbackthursdays 
  • Friday Favorites: Where we will talk about anything and everything that we enjoyed through out the week from various social media networks.  
That is just a taste of what our blog will share with you all. We hope that you will take the time to get to know us and watch our journey into making this a blog for everyone.

Thank you and enjoy your stay!!